Engineering Competency Matrix: A Complete Guide

What Is the Engineering Competency Matrix?

An engineering competency matrix is a structured set of professional competencies of an engineer and It’s a tool used for defining a specialist’s level of competence also it a list divided into two categories (hard and soft skills) that details areas of expertise and skills (as well as the level of knowledge) necessary to reach a certain title. In essence, the matrix can be called an image of the desired professional level of an employee with a certain title.

The main advantage of the matrix in comparison with other forms of describing the content of the professional activity is that it allows you to structure it and makes it specific and understandable for any employee. It systematically presents the content of the work and at the same time the structural components of the competence itself.

Who Needs Engineering Competency Matrix?


The benefits of an engineering competency matrix for employees are obvious, and because of this matrix, a person gets regular unbiased feedback so that they can see which skills they need to improve and can build a well-structured learning plan.

Following the engineering competency matrix also might help one to climb the career ladder as the person knows all the requirements and expectations for a certain position and the responsibilities one will have, and they can focus on working on improving specific skills necessary for career growth.


Employee skills assessment with the help of an engineering competency matrix will help to assess the available resources of the company and cover the gaps in them, wisely organize the training process for employees as well as allocate the budget more efficiently, also an engineering competency matrix is useful for streamlining the salary review process and the onboarding process of new employees adequately and objectively.


Team leaders, project managers, recruiters, HRs, training and development specialists — these are exactly those managers for whom the engineering competency matrix can become one of the main and most useful tools.

Thanks to the matrix, managers will be oriented to the team's capabilities and potential, will be able to distribute tasks more efficiently, and organize a mentoring program and training if necessary.


With some engineering competency matrix, software development companies can hire engineers faster, in case the customer suddenly decides to expand the team also The engineering competency matrix can also serve as a confirmation of the expertise of the company's employees because it proves that their skills are regularly evaluated and they are motivated to learn and grow (while the company supports and accompanies them in their professional journey).

Reasons To Create An Engineering Competency Matrix

Simplifying the hiring process:

The hiring process is easier in companies that have approved and implemented engineering competency matrices, and Recruiters and talent acquisition professionals can use the matrices to create better, more thorough job descriptions and to filter candidates faster, more efficiently, and with no bias. This is relevant for both larger companies and small companies that are ambitious to grow quickly and attract only the best specialists.

Increasing the level of competence:

The most obvious reason that immediately comes to mind when engineering competency matrices are discussed in professional circles is the identification and elimination of gaps in employees’ knowledge & skills, So the existence of structured and clear matrices helps to quickly assess the level of knowledge of each employee and determine exactly which skills need to be improved both for work on a specific project and for growth in the company in general.

Organizing better training:

Continuing the topic of the previous point, understanding the general level of the company's specialists and having access to a file describing the skill level of each employee, and it much easier for HRs and corporate learning and development specialists to design and implement training courses for the company's employees. Boosting both hard and soft skills has never been easier with engineering competency matrices.

Boosting productivity and performance:

Engineering competency matrices provide a clearer and more objective understanding of the skills and capabilities of each employee and also allow better distribution of tasks and delegation of responsibilities thus project managers or team leads can also optimize their work.

This way, each employee will receive tasks by their level of knowledge, and accordingly, the productivity of the team will increase It will also help to integrate new members into the teams and onboard them on the projects so that the new employee can start directly performing the duties faster.

Reaching company goals:

If you are the owner of an IT company, then the brains and minds of your employees are your main asset, So the improvement of the qualifications of your employees is the way to the development and successful future of your business as a whole.

And it is important to remember that for this you first need to write down your company's goals clearly and in detail, Then work through it together with HRs and corporate learning and development specialists, who will later develop personal development plans for employees that would align with the company's general goals.

Improving salary & performance review process

Any of the HR managers or team leads will tell you that organizing and conducting a performance review, as well as the subsequent salary review, is a time-consuming and at times stressful process, also the company does not have an engineering competency matrix, then it is like moving through a dark room with only a lighted match — it is possible but not the best experience ever.

A proper engineering competency matrix, in its turn, becomes not just a torch, but an ultra-bright flashlight with which one might successfully find a way out of the darkness also It will help to eliminate possible biases in the assessment of various aspects of the employee's work.

Identifies and eliminates skill gaps:

There are so many additional skill matrices that help organizations understand an employee’s current skills and competencies and identify the skills required for executing a new project or improving existing ones.

Enhances Training And Development Programs:

With the knowledge of employees’ strengths and weaknesses, companies can plan and execute various training and development programs. Such initiatives help employees upskill and contribute effectively to the organization while accelerating their careers.

Promotes reward management

Team leads can utilize engineering matrices to assess their team members’ strengths, evaluate their performance, and reward their dedication and hard work also reward management is crucial to ensure a company’s success.

Steps Of Creating Engineering Competency Matrix:

Delegate responsibility

The first and most important step in the process is to assign a dedicated resource to take the responsibility of building the skill matrix from the ground up This person should be aligned with the company’s objectives and values to help create and execute an effective assessment plan.

Define the objectives and team values

Once the goal is clear, defining the company or team values, and Setting the priorities right helps in building a cohesive work environment. Your goal could be one of the following:

  • Evaluate employee performance
  • Define skill gaps
  • Improve hiring processes
  • Build or restructure the team (if required)
  • Start a new project

List down the core competencies

To perform the job, skills are divided into two groups: hard skills and soft skills.

Hard skills can include prototyping, coding, proficiency with programming languages (Python, Java, C++, etc.), database management, code debugging, testing, QA, and familiarity with related libraries, tools, and frameworks also some Critical soft skills can include teamwork, communication, conflict resolution, problem-solving, etc.

Define the level of competencies

The next step is to define the range of different levels of competencies for each of the core skills, also This step aims to identify an employee’s existing skill competencies and devise a training plan to enhance their performance.

Different levels of competencies can be identified as follows:

  • Expert or Advanced
  • Intermediate
  • Beginner

Take feedback and iterate

The first version of the engineering competency matrix is ready, send it for review and feedback also Remember the skill matrix will influence cross-functional teams and overall business decisions, So feedback from the stakeholders will help improve the matrix and deliver the expected results.

You can see the names of the employees in the far left column and the skills in the top row Instead of writing down the level, you can also use color coding or assign a number to a competence level if it's more convenient for you. You also can add a column where you would add the role\title if that's necessary.


One of the best colleges of Rajasthan Jaipur which is Arya College of Engineering & I.T. gave you a general understanding of what the engineering competency matrix is and convinced you of the importance of this tool (especially for companies working in the IT industry) also Created and implementing an engineering competency matrix can be a time-consuming and resource-consuming process, but this tool will eventually become irreplaceable and irrevocably change some processes in your company for the better.

Source: Click Here


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