Main areas of what mechanical engineers do?

What Mechanical Engineers Do? Mechanical engineers play a significant role in the aerospace, automotive, biotechnology, computer and electronics, automation, and manufacturing industries. They design, develop, build, and test different types of mechanical devices, tools, engines and machines. Mechanical engineers of top engineering colleges in Jaipur are able to design and manufacture everything from small parts like miniature connectors, to large machine tools like drill presses. They take a product from scratch, and design for aesthetics, functionality, and durability. For instance, transmissions; engine parts; aircraft engines; control systems; prosthetic devices; disk drives; printers; sensors; gas turbines; semiconductor tools; wind turbines; fuel cells; compressors; robots; and machine tools. 1. Biomedical and Engineering Fluid Mechanics This field of study is based on the fundamentals of fluid mechanics and their wide range of applications in the biomedical and engin...