What is the Circuit design method in electrical engineering?

How can we design a circuit? A circuit is any loop through which matter is carried. For an electronic circuit, the matter carried is the charge by electronics and the source of these electrons is the positive terminal of the voltage source. When this charge flows from the positive terminal, through the loop, and reaches the negative terminal, the circuit is said to be completed. However this circuit consists of several components that affect the flow of charge in many ways. Some may provide a hindrance to the flow of charge, some simple store, or dissipate the charge. Some require an external source of energy, some supply energy. This process is easy for the students of electrical & electronics engineering colleges in Jaipur. Why We Need To Build A Circuit? At times we may need to glow a lamp, run a motor, etc. All these devices-a lamps, a motor, LED are what we call as loads. Each load requires a certain current or voltage to start its operation. This voltage may be a consta...